Co Founder of HRV4 Training
We head into episode 20 of Trail and Error with some advice from the heart! Actually it's some advice from YOUR heart, via Marco Altini that is!
If you've ever wondered how to tap into the secrets of how that pump in your chest can help you to train faster, harder and longer Marco is just the man to listen to.

As a co-founder of HRV4 Training Marco has been helping professional athletes and and coaches around the world to understand when and how hard to push their limits and the heart and its beats tell us a lot more than you think.
We've been using Marco's app for a while to understand how better to regulate training and recovery and in this episode we do a deep dive on the how and why.
To check out HRV4 Training as an app on your phone visit your app store and check out Marco's blog for a whole ton of explanations on how to make your heart work for you just a little bit more!
And if you're a coach of any kind HRV4 Training allows you to remotely monitor exactly how all of your athletes are both training and resting and crucially if they need to push or hold back from that next session.
Marco is a lecturer @VUamsterdam. and holds a PhD in Machine Learning, and 2 masters degrees, one in Sport Science and another in Computer Science Engineering. He's also a runner so make sure and follow him on Strava.
Thanks again to all of you for listening. If you have a moment please, like, subscribe and if you have a few seconds more, perhaps write a short review. It's all a great help to us in growing the audience and is very much appreciated!
Tris and Jay